Permanent Supportive Housing
Services Provided
Individuals are assessed at intake and annually to determine service needs. They may receive intensive case management services to include linkages and referrals to other service providers including primary health care services, job skills training, education services, assistance with obtaining government benefits, and housing education.
They may also receive other services such as Mental Health Skill Building to gain independent adult living skills. Services are offered at lower or higher intensity levels as an individual’s needs change in an effort to improve residential stability in the community.
Program Goals
The goals of PSH are to decrease psychiatric and medical hospitalizations, emergency department visits, incarcerations, homelessness and premature mortality and suicides. It is also the goals of the PSH program to increase stable housing, primary care visits for preventative and maintenance of health care, and focus on person centered and trauma informed care.
Eligibility Requirements
•Individual’s income cannot exceed 50% of the area median annual income level
•At least 18 years of age
•Single occupancy
•Serious Mental Illness diagnosis
•Willing to develop and follow supportive housing plans to ensure stable housing
•Complete all paperwork required for program and housing placement
•Residents of supervised residential settings (ALFs, group homes, etc.) who are capable of living independently
•Patient in the state psychiatric facility interested and eligible for PSH and is ready for discharge
•Chronically homeless
•Unstably housed and frequent user of hospital or criminal justice system interventions
The Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) program follows the “Housing First” principles. Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses who experience chronic homelessness, at high risk for homelessness, and/or unstably housed and frequent users of hospital or criminal justice systems interventions can receive housing without stipulations.
Tenants create a housing plan and are encouraged to participate in supportive services to maintain housing.
How To Apply
Individuals interested in services provided by Permanent Supportive Housing, must be referred to Piedmont Community Services Housing Department to be assessed.
Contact us by calling:
(276) 632-7128 ext. 1155