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Piedmont CSB offers prevention programs in viginia

Prevention Services

School-Based Services

Programs for Parents and Caregivers

Programs for Parents and Caregivers

Programs for the Community

drug prevention programs for youth

Too Good for Drugs

  • Evidence-based primary prevention program.

  • Teaches about goal setting, peer pressure, decision making and healthy choices as well as alcohol, tobacco and other drug-prevention education.

  • Taught in elementary and middle schools, depending on the preference of the school system (usually 4th-6th grade).

  • Offered through a grant from the Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth.

community behavioral health services in virginia


  • Relationship Education Leading Adolescents Towards Empowerment (RELATE).

  • An interactive dating violence prevention program providing teens with opportunities to discuss and process the aspects of healthy relationships.

  • Taught in 9th grade classes.

evidence based suicide prevention

SOS (Sign of Suicide)

  • Evidenced-based suicide prevention program.

  • Facilitated in 8th and 9th grade health classes. 

  • This is a one-time program that offers information on the signs of depression, how to get help and how to help friends. 

  • Information about mental health awareness, recognizing signs and symptoms, reducing stigma, and available resources is also included. 

evidence based drug prevention programs

This is Not About Drugs

  • Evidence-based prevention program with an emphasis on prescription opioids.

  • One-time program that teaches the risks of opioid misuse, helps youth understand the brain science of addiction, and promotes alternatives to using substances to deal with life's situations.

  • Taught in 9th grade health classes.

community behavioral helath services in virginia

Support Group Services

  • Offered by prevention specialists who provide skill-building activities, small groups, information dissemination and resources for students in middle and high school. 

  • Groups are held for six to eight weeks with topics including social skills, anger management, study skills, self-esteem building and others as needed.

mental health risk assessment offered in community based care


  • Offered through the Alternative programs for first-time offenders of substance abuse policies.

  • This program provides eight weeks of substance abuse education and requires parents to attend two sessions. 

substance use prevention program for youth in virginia

Catch My Breath

  • Evidence-based vaping prevention program.

  • Facilitated in 7th through 9th grade health classes, depending on school system.

  • Increases knowledge about how vaping impacts social and health behaviors and disrupts normative beliefs that "everyone is doing it."

comprehensive behavioral health services in virginia

Project Success

  • Comprehensive student assistance program.

  • Includes school-wide prevention awareness campaigns.

  • Includes prevention education curriculum taught in the classroom.

  • Provides individual and group support services for students (problem identification and referral).

  • Provides education to parents on substance use prevention, mental health promotion and other topics.

children's mental health services

Problem Identification and Referral

  • Provided to students who are at risk for developing problems and referred to prevention specialists.

  • Offers skill-building activities, small groups, information dissemination and resources for students in middle and high school. 

  • Helps students who need support but do not necessarily meet the requirements for a diagnosis.

family mental health services

Strengthening Families

  • A program presented weekly for 10 weeks, two to three times per year.

  • Designed for families with children ages six to 11. 

  • Families who attend are provided with a meal, classes, childcare and character-building activities for younger children as well as family fun nights and stipends for perfect attendance.

  • Sessions give families an opportunity to strengthen their commitment to one another while improving their communication skills. 

family behavioral health services from virginia community services boards


  • Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP).

  • A six-session program for parents and caregivers of children of any age. 

  • Provided on a recurring basis, usually during the evening.

  • There is no cost to participants. The program is currently offered virtually. 

family mental health services in community based care

Caught in the Middle

  • A four-hour parenting class offered in two parts monthly for anyone needing a state-approved, short-term parenting course prior to going through a change of custody.

  • Currently being conducted virtually.

  • There is a charge for participants.

drug prevention programs for youth and parents

Guiding Good Choices

  • A competency training program for parents of children aged 9 to 14.  

  • Gives parents the skills needed to reduce their children's risk for using alcohol and other drugs. 

  • The program has five sessions, and there is no cost to participants. 

  • Can be offered in-person or virtually.

Image by Humairah L.

Hidden in Plain Sight

  • An awareness program for parents, caregivers and other adults that provides an interactive exhibit of a teenager's bedroom.

  • Includes current items that could be a sign of dangerous and risky behaviors.

  • A "backpack" version has also been adapted for educators and school staff to demonstrate how easy it is for youth to hide substances while traveling or in school.

mental health first aid traininig virginia

Mental Health First Aid

An eight-hour training for the public to recognize mental health issues and how to respond.

suicide prevention training virginia


A three-hour training to provide community members with skills needed to assess and address suicide risks.

revive naloxone training virginia


  • A training for anyone interested in learning how to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose emergency by administering naloxone.

  • Free naloxone is available upon completion of the training.

CHILL - Communities Helping to Improve Local Lives
CHILL - Communities Helping to Improve Local Lives
CHILL - Communities Helping to Improve Local Lives


Communities Helping to Improve Local Lives (CHILL) is a youth-led task force consisting of volunteer high school students who are making positive choices. A three-day training program provides education about the dangers of ATOD use, along with presentation skills and leadership training. The group meets monthly throughout the school year and participates in activities and events aimed at presenting positive alternatives for youth.

Drug Free MHC Coalition Martinsville and Henry County Virginia

Drug-Free MHC Coalition

Drug-Free MHC is a coalition of agency representatives, parents and citizens who meet monthly to coordinate and implement environmental strategies developed by the committees and coalition members for the reduction of substance abuse and support of treatment and recovery programs in Martinsville and Henry County. Drug-Free MHC sponsors positive messages in the media, including billboards, radio, television, newspaper and online ads to help create an environment that encourages productive values and choices for our young people. Learn more at

fresh Prevention Coalition Franklin County Virginia

FRESH Coalition

Focus on Response and Education to Stay Healthy (FRESH) is a community coalition in Franklin County that gathers professionals and volunteers to work together on creating a more positive environment for young people by supporting a decrease in availability of ATOD while offering constructive alternatives. This group serves youth by providing events, parenting education and other programs aimed at bringing about an ATOD-free and violence-free community. The coalition works to collect data to address issues in the community, connect with youth and parents, and promote a community free of social norms around substance use. Learn more at

Drug Free Patrick County Coalition Virginia

Drug-Free Patrick County

Drug-Free Patrick County is a recently organized coalition serving the rural community of Patrick County. Its current focus is on building capacity and providing education in the community. Members also support the growing CHILL Youth Task Force students to help them be positive peer leaders in their school and community.

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