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Piedmont Community Services apoya a nuestra comunidad y a cada individuo que merece una vida libre de prejuicios, injusticias y brutalidad. Entendemos que existen desigualdades, racismo y disparidades económicas en el mundo actual. PCS es consciente del trauma y el estrés que pueden causar estas desigualdades. Siempre apoyaremos la unidad por sobre la división, así como la sanación, y estaremos disponibles para brindar los servicios y el apoyo necesarios. Recuerde: estamos juntos en esto.


Personas atendidas

*Año fiscal 2024


Adultos atendidos

*Año fiscal 2024


Niños y jóvenes atendidos

*Año fiscal 2024

Piedmont Community Services apoya a nuestra comunidad y a cada individuo.

Nuestra Historia

Desde 1972, Piedmont Community Services (PCS) tiene una trayectoria de expansión y crecimiento. En la actualidad, PCS emplea a más de 450 personas y brinda servicios en 30 instalaciones diferentes en toda nuestra área de influencia. El objetivo de PCS es satisfacer las necesidades de nuestra comunidad.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


Piedmont Regional Mental Health & Mental Retardation Services Board was formed. Don Richardson, a dean at Patrick-Henry Community College, was the first board chair.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


Pictured above is one of the early locations of the PCS administrative office, located at 10 E. Liberty Street Extension in Martinsville.

Lambert Wood became the agency's first executive director.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


Patrick-Henry Drug Control Council received a grant from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. Pictured is a wood carving of the original location (which no longer exists) on Broad Street.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


Dr. Conrad Daum became the first resident psychiatrist, and the Psychiatric Unit was created at Martinsville Memorial Hospital.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


Hope Harbor transferred services to the Patrick-Henry Drug and Alcohol Council. Originally located on Broad Street, it later relocated to Starling Avenue and is now known as Passages Recovery Residence.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


Horizons Social Club formed in Martinsville. Today there are psychosocial rehabilitation programs in all of our service areas.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


With funding from VHDA, PCS opened its first facility for supported housing in the Rich Acres community of Henry County.

Otis Burge became the second executive director.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


Piedmont Regional Group Home, the area's first group home for individuals with intellectual disabilities, was created in Martinsville.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


James M. Tobin became the third executive director.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


Patrick-Henry Drug and Alcohol Council merged with Piedmont Community Services.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


Echols-Sparger Architects was commissioned by PCS to conduct a space needs study and provide a proposal for expansion of the Martinsville clinical and administrative offices.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


All Martinsville and Henry County services relocated to a renovated office at 24 Clay Street. PCS received the Chamber of Commerce Community Improvement Award.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


CHILL (Communities Helping Improve Local Lives) Youth Task Force of Martinsville and Henry County, Virginia, started as a grassroots youth movement. Our CHILL members represent all four of the public and private high schools in the area: Bassett, Carlisle, Magna Vista and Martinsville.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


Franklin County Clinical Office opened on Tech Drive.

In 2018, an expansion was completed that added 5,749 square feet, including additional workspace for clinicians, expanded medical services, a renovated reception area and a conference center.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


Construction was completed on the new clinical office in Patrick County in the fall of 2008.

In March 2015, an expansion added office spaces, conference rooms, a new phone system and internet upgrades.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


In July 2009, PCS implemented the Credible Behavioral Health Electronic Medical Record system.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


The area's first intermediate care facility opened in Martinsville, VA.

PCS celebrated its 40th anniversary.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


Greg Preston became the fourth executive director

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


On June 30, 2018, a fire broke out at the Church Street Square apartment complex, displacing approximately 30 clients and residents. PCS staff worked to secure temporary housing and services until the facility was repaired.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


On May 20, 2022, PCS held an open house for the new 32,000-square-foot recovery center, which provides a no-barrier point of access to recovery supports.

PCS celebrated its 50th anniversary.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


PCS received the Readers' Choice award for Best Place to Work.

Lambert Wood was the first PCS Executive Director


In June, PCS was the second CSB in the state to receive delivery of a new mobile services unit.

Recursos locales para el consumo de sustancias en Martinsville
en Martinsville y el condado de Henry


Piedmont Community Services ofrece servicios integrales de salud conductual

Nos dedicamos a ayudar a las personas, las familias y la comunidad a alcanzar su potencial brindando servicios de salud conductual de la más alta calidad.


El personal de Piedmont CSB está listo para ayudarlo.

Respetamos y valoramos al personal como nuestro mayor activo y creamos un entorno de trabajo que permite a las personas utilizar su experiencia personal y profesional.


Salud conductual comunitaria de los servicios comunitarios de Piedmont

Somos parte de nuestra comunidad e involucraremos y valoraremos a todas las partes interesadas en la toma de decisiones y las operaciones.


Piedmont CSB ofrece tratamiento basado en evidencia

Creemos que la clave para lograr nuestra misión es la participación del personal y los consumidores en la toma de decisiones colaborativa que enfatiza el respeto mutuo.


Los servicios comunitarios de PIedmont sirven a su comunidad

Demostraremos integridad y comportamiento ético en todas las prácticas comerciales y conducta profesional.


Equipo completo de servicios comunitarios de Piedmont en Martinsville, Virginia

Piedmont Community Services es una junta de servicios comunitarios (CSB, por sus siglas en inglés), que es una asociación conjunta entre los gobiernos locales y estatales. Las CSB brindan servicios integrales de salud conductual, servicios para discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo y servicios para el consumo de sustancias.

Los CSB, creados inicialmente por la Asamblea General de Virginia en 1968, son agentes de los gobiernos locales y operan bajo las normas del Departamento de Servicios de Salud Conductual de Virginia. Actualmente hay 40 CSB en todo el estado.

Nuestra organización

Ayudar a las personas, las familias y la comunidad a mejorar su calidad de vida brindándoles un continuo altamente efectivo de servicios de salud conductual, que incluyan prevención, tratamiento, educación y apoyo dentro de los recursos disponibles.

Nuestra misión

Nuestra visión

Reavivar nuestra pasión por brindar servicios de calidad a nuestros clientes al contar con un entorno optimizado que empodere al personal y sostenga la resiliencia financiera.


Sobre nosotros

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